I'm afraid that I lost my DS on the bus coming back from Tokyo. That, or in my frenzy to take a nap as soon as I got home, it got tossed somewhere in the depths of my room. So I cleaned my room (which was hisashiburi, let me tell you) and didn't find it. So either I can dig through my futon closet or give up.
Since I used my DS as my electronic dictionary, I have felt so lost without it! Also, sleepy-Tetris-time has been replaced by re-watching House.. Which actually just leads me to staying up really late. Fuck. I keep shopping around online for electronic dictionaries and keep itching to go buy one asap. They get so fucking complicated though!
It's also been very rainy in a spring-ish way, which means I just want to chill out and read books but fuck, without my little companion, pretty impossible! I killed some time at Book-Off today and just want to build a giant dumb library but fuck, have to ship all this shit back at some point.
And P.S.,
DOES THIS SHIT NOT LOOK CUTE OR WHAT. There's a movie coming out in a few weeks called "My Darling is a Foreigner" and fuck it looks cute. The manga is also stupid-cute but also stupid-hard to read so fuck me. Also, I just want to see a movie featuring a foreigner busting out Japanese like nobodies' business. Also fuck just look at them! Fuuuck so cute rrrrgh.