Feb 22, 2010 14:12
I wish I could go into everything that took place over the past two weeks of me being in Uganda. Only God can save that country, and I see change coming. Slowly, but His will is being done. More on all of this later. Just wanted everyone to know that I'm alive and kicking still. Thank you all for your prayers.
Quick update on the goals.
1. Paying off College = Got my taxes back and made a hefty first big payment. The goal is a go thus far. :)
2. Bible Reading = You'd have thought I would have caught up on this, but I'm further back than I was before... I shall press onward though.
3. Good Works in God's Name = Two weeks in Uganda teaching children how to draw using shapes while also sharing how much God loves them. That pretty much filled my calendar for a while. ;)
4. Achieve 2nd Degree Brown Belt Status in Sanchin-Ryu = Umm... apparently... I'll be receiving this very soon... :D
5. Run a Full Marathon = Ran once in Uganda... Heat + humidity + steep hills = Chad ran for one (maybe one and a half) miles and felt like he ran 10...
Sad Update = I broke up with Leah last night. :( I didn't want to hurt her, and she did take it well and understood why (since we had discussed it before). Still, she's an incredible woman that gave me her best 100% of the time. She's one of the kindest people I know with a huge heart for serving others. I pray I don't lose her friendship through distance and lack of seeing one another. She is special and she deserves someone that is equally special for her. In the end, I hate making someone (who tried so hard to make me happy) cry. Please pray for her and the hurt I've brought her. We're still friends, and I only want the best for her.
More later on Uganda (I hope to tell more at least).
Take Care and God Bless,
2010 goals