Jan 25, 2010 14:47
Well, It's week three of the New Years Goals, and I'm making headway in some areas, while keeping my head barely above water in others. Here's the run down. ^__^
1. Paying off College = Got in 7 hours of overtime for this past paycheck, and that's enough to accomplish my first goal for the loans... But... Chad's gotten a crazy, insane, possibly hospital stay and a padded room mentality going... And... I think I'm going to triple my efforts and get that college loan paid for before 2011... Yeah... Me crazy... Anyway, if I work 8 hours of overtime a week for the rest of the year, I'll have paid off my college loan in full. This will require me to get up at 5:00 AM every workday, and start working from 6:00 AM - 5:00 PM. That's actually 10 hours a week of Overtime, but with me traveling and all, I'll need the extra leverage. So is that crazy? CRAZY?!?!?!?! Yeah... but worth trying I suppose. I'm not all that sane to begin with anyway. o__O'
2. Bible Reading = Fallen behind still, but getting there. Read a good chunk last night and will be slamming myself with the Good Word all week long to get myself back on track. Starting to think that Sarah (Abraham's wife) and Rachel (Isaac's wife) must have been pretty big time hotties for their husbands to be so worried about their beauty that they called them their sister so that people of the land they were in wouldn't be tempted to kill the guys so they could have the women. And thus, even from early on... Man... Is an idiot... lol.
3. Good Works in God's Name = I'm going to shock you all (all two of you) and mention a few things that I've done, but haven't realized how much it could mean until it was also done for me. The giving from my friends and family has been such a blessing to me these past two months. I get choked up thinking about how much people have donated and that some of them are people that I can't even begin to say are close, old friends. What's better than the help with the funding is the overwhelming feeling that God has truly blessed you with miraculous people in your life. And it's not just from the donations of cash and supplies, but also from the donation of prayers. I am truly a blessed man beyond words, and I thank God for all of you that I know as friends.
So for my suggestions this week, I'm just going to say "give". Give prayers. Give where it's needed. Give to Haiti. Give to the little old lady or man that you've seen alone at a church, a restaurant, a bus stop , where ever. Just give. Time, money, and especially prayer. Because with a prayer comes a real chance at healing. And beyond healing, it gives a real chance for that person to feel loved.
4. Achieve 2nd Degree Brown Belt Status in Sanchin-Ryu = Some progress here. Though I overslept my Wednesday class, I was able to attend a Thursday night class in Hillsdale, MI that proved to be pretty challenging. Learned some interesting things about what to do when you're really in a fight and someone is covered up, as this will make it much more difficult to get the strikes to their originally ideal points of the body. Basically, if an arm is in your way, strike the arm. If it's a fist, strike the fist. Just do what you've trained to do and commit to it and it'll work out. And after accidently nicking a black belt in the "bad touch" area... I can see that just a little strike can do a whole lot... Man I felt bad about that... poor guy... And he was so good about it... Thanks for not killing me, buddy. lol.
5. Run a Full Marathon = This would require me to run... That hasn't happened yet... working on that... It's cold out and my running jacket hasn't come in just yet. :-P
Well, that's it for now. I'll make sure to keep everyone as updated on my goals as possible. Soon, I'll be missing in action since I'll be in Uganda and not quite as accessible to the internet (and sometimes electricity all together). Less than two weeks to go before I'm doing my best to teach some kids how to draw and share Christ with them. ^__^` Starting a get a little nervous about it, but that's probably to be expected. God is with me, so I know I'll be fine.
2010 goals