Ssss! Ssss! Ssss! Harrisssssssss Tweed!

Mar 28, 2010 22:35

Me and mummy had a lovely time going round the house pretending to be Ice Warriors. Ssss! Ssss! Ssss!

I think we're really blessed - The acting quality we get for our audio plays may not be at Laurence Olivier level, but it's far above what I'd expect for a bunch of amateurs in a bedroom. We have a fabulous time recording these things and I always hope it shows through.

We also had some wonderful hosts in our good friends, Paul and Jody. Excellent food, good company and a fab evening. Can't be beat.

Anyway, I've got lots of cutting and pasting to do. I've ordered a new sound card because I'm totally fed up with the onboard sound and the features that don't work in Windows 7. To add to my frustration I had to use f***ing Verified By Visa, the most INFURIATING and pointless safety measure in the long and detailed historical records of INFURIATING and pointless safety measures that stretch back to the very dawn of commerce. Verified by ANNOYING THE DAMNED PUNTER INTO PAROXYSMS OF RAGE!!!! is what it should be called, were there any sense in the world.

And I found out who Harris Tweed was today, thanks to Simon Guerrier. Though using websearches I can't verify whether Harris Tweed was named after Harris Tweed, or whether the Harris Tweed name was used as a joke based on the company Harris Tweed. Annoyingly, I've run out of tags on LiveJournal so I can't have 'Harris Tweed'. :(

ps audios, recording, planet skaro, doctor who

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