Intercomm - Flash Fic - Insecure

Jan 31, 2010 21:22

Title: Insecure
Author: dollysgirl04
Word Count: 214
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Robin, Much, Robin/Much
Genre: Humour, Romance,
Spoilers: Pre-series
Warnings: Slash
Notes: Robin is self-conscious before his first meeting with the King.


“Oh my God!” Robin shouted alarmed, staring at his face intently in the small dusty mirror he held. “Much why didn’t you ever tell me about my teeth?”

He saw Much roll his eyes in the corner of his vision. “What did you want to know about them?”

“Why did you never tell me how big of a gap they have! How am I meant to met the King knowing there’s a gapping valley between my front teeth!” He demanded.

Much sighed at him, “You are being paranoid and if you stay here much longer we are going to be late for the king.”

Seeing the distressed look on his face Much seemed to relent.

His servant put his hands of either side of his face, “The King does not care what you look like, he cares that you are a good fighter and a good man.” Much said looking into his eyes.

“But if it matters to you so much than know I never pointed it out because you are beautiful gap or no gap and I love you.” Much finished, punctuating his sentence by kissing Robin firmly on the lips. “Are you ready to leave now?”

“Of course I am.” Robin smiled as if he had been waiting to leave all along.

length: flash fic, contributor: dollysgirl04, pairing: robin/much, fic, char: much, char: robin, rating: g, intercomm

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