Intercomm - Drabble - Angel

Jan 31, 2010 03:16

Title: Angel
Author: dollysgirl04
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Robin, Marian, Robin/Marian
Genre: Romance,
Spoilers:  None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own, just playing
Notes: Drabble - Robin makes the choice between going towards the heavenly light or returning to the sound of Marian’s voice.


He saw a light.

A glowing light in the spinning, hazy, darkness.

He felt weightless in the blackness, he felt free, he felt himself letting go of all his worries and the light warmed him, he wanted to be closer to it.

“Robin.” A voice broke through the darkness.

“Robin, please wake up!” The familiar voice spoke again but he could not quite place it.

With great effort his eyes fluttered open and he saw an angel.

“Oh! Thank God above, he’s waking up!” The brunette angel above him cried looking immensely relieved and he smiled dizzily up at her.

contributor: dollysgirl04, char: marian, pairing: robin/marian, length: drabble, fic, char: robin, rating: g, intercomm

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