Intercomm - Drabble - Justification

Jan 31, 2010 03:15

Title: Justification
Author: dollysgirl04
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Robin,
Genre: Angst,
Spoilers:  Pre-series
Warnings: War time Robin and a bit of killing.
Disclaimer: Don't own, just playing
Notes: Drabble - Robin’s thoughts on the war and the Holy Land.


They were his enemies. They were bad men. If was for the king. He had no choice. Every one of his justifications fell away as he looked at the bodies piled up around him.

He had no justification worthy enough when he stared into their glassy eyes pointed upwards at the endless sky above, at the heaven that some how this pointless bloodshed was meant to bring him closer to.

How odd it seemed to fight for God in a land so barren and bleak that the almighty seemed to have abandoned it to the vultures of men left below.

crusader!robs, char: robin, contributor: dollysgirl04, intercomm, length: drabble, rating: pg-13, fic

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