I once asked my friend, Nick F., what was the meaning of life and he told me he didn't know, but his friend's answer to the question was "Friends." At the time and even to this day, I still don't have an answer to that question, but damn Nick's friend totally nailed it on the spot. "Friends." I look back at 21 years of my life and take a look at my friends that I have met and man have they been all over the map. Friends from all colors, all cultures, all shapes, and sizes.
Each and everyone one of you has made an impact on my life. I have friends I can bitch to, friends I can cry to, friends I can depend on, and friends that I can have a great time with. Lately I've been depressed and I was thinking to myself "So what was I doing before all this?" I was hanging out with my friends. It never seems to fail me no matter where I am and when I'm having a bad time, there's always someone there with me. I can honestly say I was having the best time of my life when I was with my friends.
Today, I took the liberty of making a collage of all my friends that I have accumulated in these 21 years of my life. There just soo many I wasn't able to fit everyone on there, but don't be sad! There will be more of these collages to come during the many road stops of my life. *HUGS ALL OF MY FRIENDS*