Getting Him Back

Nov 20, 2007 18:15

Title: Getting Him Back
Author: halfapint
Characters: Luke Scarlett, Dan Scarlett
Challenge: 33a - Song Title: Get Him Back
Rating: PG
Notes: Spoilers for 2x04. Not happy with this one, but... might just be me... ^_^;;
Disclaimer: I am so dead, and I STILL don’t own Robin Hood.

“What if he doesn’t want to come back?” Luke muttered, poking at the camp fire they had made with a twig. Dan stopped fussing with their packs long enough to give his son a stern look.

“He will be coming back with us, whether he wants to or not. We’re his family; he belongs with us.”

“He’s not a child anymore, Dad. Not since last October.”

“He’s still my boy! I’ll be damned if I’m leaving him to Vaysey’s mercies any longer!”

There was a brief silence.

“And if he wants to stay, we’ll just have to convince him otherwise.”

challenge a: song title, week 33

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