Nov 20, 2007 18:14
Title: Waltz
Author: halfapint
Characters: Marian, Edward, Robin
Challenge: 33a - Song Title: Waltz (Better Than Fine)
Rating: PG
Notes: Kiddie!fic. Allusion to future Robin/Marian too, f you want it…
Disclaimer: I am so dead, and I STILL don’t own Robin Hood.
“One, two, three… Four, fi-”
“Ow! Marian!”
“I’m sorry!”
Edward shook his head and stopped counting, watching as Marian’s apologies subsided and she began to argue with Robin about whose fault it was that she stood on his foot. Marian, of course, claimed Robin wasn’t moving fast enough while he teased her about her clumsy dancing ability.
And… Yes, there we go
“Shall we try again tomorrow?”
, Edward sighed as, predictably, Marian slapped Robin’s cheek. Stunned only momentarily (it happened far too often to actually shock the lad), he started tickling her, the pair crumbling to the floor in laughter.
challenge a: song title,
week 33