Time for our fourth farewell.
Drabble 01, by
misswed, with 4 negative votes.
And the favorites.
Voters' Choice
Drabble 02 by
dcwash, with 4 positive votes! Congratulations.
Mod's Choice
Drabble 02 by
dcwash. Nicely subtle creation of pathos.
All negative and positive votes are added together to create your final score. For example, if a drabble gets 5 negative votes and 2 positive votes, the score is -3. If a drabble gets 6 negative votes and 4 positive votes, the score is -2. The -3 gets eliminated, even though the other drabble got more negative votes. Positive votes can save you from being eliminated.
01. -4
02. 4
03. 0
If you would like to see the comments your drabble received, please leave a comment with your drabble number and I will send them to you via screened comment. You must have comment e-mails turned on to see my response. All comments will remain anonymous.
Most people gave reasons for their favorite votes as well, so if you got only positive votes, there's a good chance that people still left comments about your drabble.
The next prompt post will be posted in a few hours.