Biggest waste of money.

Mar 15, 2011 07:58

Our local Fox channel sent the entire morning news crew to Gulf Shores (Alabama's beach) to cover spring break.

I understand they want to show the beach is back to being pretty, and encourage tourism after the oil spill.

But the governer of the state just declared proration actions because WE'RE SO POOR. And you guys are blowing thousands of dollars to vacation at work?

Why couldn't you have sent ONE anchor for the weekend. Or Monday and Tuesday of spring break? And then donated the REST of the money that would have been used to the school systems here.

Instead you send at least 8 anchors, the crew, and they're down there all week.


Last night went ok, btw. "B" did call, but I didn't answer. Ricky's hoping it doesn't rain down there so they can hurry up and pave the Piggly Wiggly parking lot and leave. :/

Here's hoping today passes quickly. Then I can come home and target practice with Logan (Ha, the BB gun for Christmas was a huge hit. He loves that thing.)
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