I'm assuming I actually know what the term 'productive' means.
- Finished off the first draft of The Novel, tentatively called 'The Deadroads' after a Rural Alberta Advantage song.
- Scripted out the storyboard for the video shoot for the exhibition.
- Finished editing all the damn text for the exhibition.
- Looked after the recording of the audio program for the other exhibition.
- Started the illustrations for the second book, What Do Witches Do?
- Ignoring the fact that a first draft naturally assumes a second draft.
- "Started" is not the same as "finished".
- Eating far less than I ought to.
- Not sleeping enough.
- Miscalculating the coffee:productivity ratio.
- Relying on admin to process requests through procurement at a reasonable rate.
- Flying to Halifax. Fun? Oh, yes. Productive? Not so much.
- Once again hoping that stoking personal karma is a way to stockpile travel points.
Note that the second list is longer than the first. No surprise.