Wonders of a Wonderful Day

Apr 12, 2009 01:38

Alright you click, your asking for it right?
Today was all sorts of wonderful:
I woke up all sorts of sore and wondered what the heck I could get done with mussels pulled from gravel hauling two days ago and an ankle on the mend, but I started with the day...moving very slowly.

I called me mum to see what needed to get done in her world and found I had a full day of cooking and baking and running her to the nail salon, shopping at the farmers market, and then get my paper work in order and off to the show.

The day was so pretty. I took Lady into the car with me as I drove my mum and then Lady and I shopped and I had some lovely encounters on the way to and from the farmers market: both homeless and very nice looking (see not homeless) guys smiled at me and said "hello" and made some chats.

On the way back I found myself on one of the side streets near Lakeshore and a very nice lady, Vivian I believe, and her husband...Danny? David? humm there dog was named Houdini, were having a yard sale. I had met Houdini as a dog owner on another occasion (Side note for those of you that do not own a dog, or who have not observed this odd quality of dog owner: people that have dogs stop being individuals with names and what not when they are out with their dog. They are known by their dog and the interaction their dog has with your dog. So I am "Lady's owner" [or "Lady's Mommy" -- which just seems wrong -- and we get along with everyone and want to be everyones friends...yep my dog and me: alike.)

Soooooo....::shake head in super buzz:: yes! Yard Sale! Vivian was selling somethings and I am always looking for wine glasses it seems because well -- I only have one wine glass for guests. And drinking wine from plastic --ick. Vivian had much in the way of wine glasses: 20. And a punch bowl, with cut glass cups, and a hat box (I need another hat box surely!) and toys and buckets and a tea pot with a cat on it, and carpets and buckets and baskets and sterling salt and pepper shakers (a bit for the ware) and well I had quite a haul for my $25 bucks and we all went away very happy -- and it was fun!

Got the Mum, finished the baking, cooked the meat, did the paper work, go next door to new neighbors and invited them with their small children to egg hunt tomorrow, went to the show at Hypnodrome. Two said things happened -- but not enough to mess with the buzz of such a happy day that only just got started really. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

So there is a fellow that I fancy, but I could fancy him as a friend. But like so many really interesting folks -- hard to get ahold of. He likes theatre but hadn't seen any of my works. Got him to own to coming and seeing the show tonight! Woot! Laura got pretty and it made several actors a little surprised...possibly flustered ;D (evil laugh) Laura cleans up good.

Laura try not to get to worked up and tries to focus on work, but still with the toe wiggles.

Then fellow no show. Is late....alright clearly I'm getting tired so enjoy the free form flow -- if you are still reading this (now it's 2am).

*Important note for folks: don't be late for a show: mine, any really. Show up. But try for early. Shows are not like concerts -- you really shouldn't blow off the first act. I can't really blame him though he was a party of 4 and they were traveling on foot.

Anywho. He got there. I knew where he was seated even without looking and after looking watched him watch the show (I know -- Laura smitten like a kitten): worried that the Hypnodrome would be too much and then that would have to be then end of it because well...if you can't take the Hypnodrome...it might be a problem down the line...

Alright FIRST HARD THING: The audience was DEAD tonight! It was awful! and weird in a bad way. Thursday this week: sold out, great house -- one of the best. Friday: same! Saturday night: Suck?!?!?!

Someone thinks of doing Bohemian Rapidity -- second half much improved once they realize: THIS THEATRE HAS FUN!

2nd hard thing of the night: During intermission, I see the fellow and I even recognize one of his friends as someone I know from Sinister Swing, Alexis, and her fellow...the hard thing...the other girl.... -_-* pretty little fem girl. Great legs, black hair, cute as a button outfit...Fellow has said he is not dating and it focusing on himself, but girl look like she matches his colour pallet...

It okay! I like fellow as friend alright with pretty, red lip, fem...really...after show I banter with all and after quick clean up we go for food. -- I am treated to the food and everyone else is treated to ride in warm car. Scattered between Hypnodrome, food, and homes I get group to sing and dance -- even aloof "I'm too cool fem" because a dance with me is the cost she must pay ::evil laugh:: many cars honk at us. Fem girl winds up wearing my big coat because I am butch (and am smart enough to wear layers).

Everyone have merry good time and Alexis and I vow to get Fellow out more. Mahahah.

Alright bragging over.
Awesome day.
Sleep now.
Easter tomorrow.
I will rise as the bunny that fallows children.

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