Angels and Operators: Threats and Promises

May 14, 2007 09:20

Installment Seventy
Previous Installments (In Reverse Order)

“Go ahead and call the cops,” you tell Dom.

“Spoken with the confidence of a true nutcase,” he mutters. He pats his pockets, searching for his missing cell phone. He frowns, realizing that it’s missing. “Shit!” Dom seems to think for a moment, then darts out of the car, toward his front porch.

You call after him: “I know what you and Pierce do in this van!”

He stops for a moment, his open features bearing the expression of a trapped animal. Then anger takes over for confusion, and he disappears into the house. In his haste to enter, he leaves the front door swinging open. You spot him through the window, grabbing for a phone. Then he ducks out of sight.

Now what do you do?

Under the hood
Telling him to call the cops and that you know what he and Pierce did in the van essentially tied. After a call for more votes, the first edged out the second by 1 vote, 65-64. Other choices were all in the single digits: 7% for lunging at him, 4% for throwing his phone at him and splitting, and 3% for claiming that Pierce sent you to check the quality of his van-cleaning.

angels and operators

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