and you manage to call yourself..

Mar 03, 2010 21:28

uhh.. NO. YOU'RE NOT. wtf xx______xx

HOTTEST -- 2PM's fan club name. It represents 2PM and their fans. The 7 letters in the word represent each member. Where the hell did they got the name? Well, 2PM = HOTTEST time of the day. It also represents that the group is passionate, active and more importantly.. HOT.

Okay, so I have to rant and to speak up about the latest incident, with regards to JaeBum's case, and as we all know kpop fans that he is 'PERMANENTLY' leaving the group, we are all devastated by the sudden news. I can also visualize the heartbreaking looks of the somewhat-called 'HOTTESTS', and because of it, more and more negative issues were applied.

Let's begin with the attitudes of the fans. Okay, I admit, I am not what you call HOTTEST; yes, I am a devoted fan of 2PM but I think it's still not official to call myself HOTTEST if I wasn't in that official fan club. But this is where I stand: I LOVE 2PM AS A WHOLE, AS A GROUP, AND INDIVIDUALLY. I know what I feel about them, even though I am still on the process of knowing more about them *since I started only last year in kpop* I would say that I would never ever hate this group NO MATTER WHAT. As you can see, PEOPLE, JaeBum's case wasn't a serious one before the effin' netizens bashed him and took it to the next level. Then the shit continues on, leaving Korea, then finally leaving the group, I would say that I understand JaeBum's feelings.

ALL OF US ARE GOING THROUGH A LOT OF HARDSHIPS. I mean, it's really natural for me to say, "FUCK THIS WORLD" or, "THIS WORLD / MY COUNTRY IS GAY!" You know? An emotion mix-up.. Like whenever you feel like, shouting but you just can't and you end up ranting in the internet for you to have some space for yourself and all.. I understand that. But one thing I hate is, THE BASHING. You know what's wrong? YOU KEEP ON JUMPING INTO CONCLUSIONS WITHOUT EVEN THINKING IT 1 MILLION TIMES WHY PEOPLE DO THESE KIND OF THINGS. Like, what happened after JYP released that 'permanent leaving' statement, this is what the so-called 'HOTTESTS' have to say:

Yes, You are a big major MIDDLE FUCKING FINGER to get sucked on.

What a waste of money and of fandom =(( Heartbreaking, right? What The Hell. You could have just slashed out your fucking necks and wrists then go jump off a huge cliff then DIE. This is all you can say about JaeBum leaving the group?


Do the remaining 6 members fucking deserve all of this?
Have they done anything wrong against the fans?
Have they done anything that would ruin their image?
Are they the ones who left the group?
Are they the ones who discriminated your country & posted malicious comments on the net?


Srsly, you aren't even qualified to be a fan if you're doing this kind of bullshit-ness. You don't deserve to be called a fan. SO GTFO!! NO ONE NEEDS YOU. It's really against the fandom, bitch. I know this because I am a fan myself, to Jpop before expanding my fandom to Kpop. Ugh. And then, you leave the club, to show that you are a 7-member fan. Well, would you think, Park JaeBum would be so delighted if you do this? Would you think he'll come back for sure if you rage and leave the fandom? NO.

That's really an immature thing to do. And I am just sad, because remember this: IF YOU DON'T SUPPORT 2PM WITHOUT JAY, THEN YOU AREN'T A 2PM FAN. YOU ARE JUST A JAY FAN. So deal with your immaturity and go straight to America if you still flail for JaeBum.

Not that I have JaeBum and all, but c'mon, try to understand the other 6, will ya? As if they aren't going through anything, too. They are also suffering like Jae, and still we do this and that, boycotting and wrecking our 2PM stuffs, fake smiling, and you expect them to what? Guys, try to understand the situation more before leaving the fandom. JaeBum has made his decision, and all we gotta do is to respect him and move on, damn it! What do you expect? For them to last forever? THEY ARE HUMANS. THEY ARE OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW WHAT THEY WANNA DO. Let them be :|

Sorry for the long rant. I just want it to end and live a happy fandom again. Kpop news these days are very frustrating to understand :((

rant, random

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