
May 27, 2011 14:04

 This week I heard a great story about new-tech options. Andrew’s mother was in the hospital in California for outpatient surgery. The other patient brought into the room while she waited to be released was a Russian man who spoke no English. The procedure he’d had required him to keep his head flat on its side, but he was agitated and no one could get through to him to keep him down. Andrew used Google on his phone to find the Russian translation for “Please keep your head flat” and Andrew’s mom, who happens to speak fluent Bulgarian, read the translation well enough to get through to him before the nurses arrived with their translator phones.

Meanwhile, closer to home, Lisa came back from our friend Sakina’s baby-naming ceremony and said something like, “Well, that was a wonderful Muslim christening ceremony!” I pointed out that the words christening and Muslim might not belong together. Sakina thought it was funny.

This holiday weekend, many friends are pushing minis around at Enfilade in Olympia. Some year I’m going to attend that miniatures wargaming convention, but not this year. This year I’ll just show off a photo that Chris Toepker, the original brand manager of D&D Miniatures, took in Beijing a few years ago. D&D Minis in Beijing! They are playing on the map called Dragon Shrine. One of the warbands is full of drow and what's probably a Drider, not sure about the opponent. 

d&d, miniatures, gaming, this week, family

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