May 18, 2007 23:21
Just back from the Penarth group's production of Cole Porter's "Anything Goes" and was actually pleasantly surprised. I'd been fed all sorts of horror stories about the "musical" side of the company, but, although I woudn't want to be in a musical, I did njoy the music and (most of) the performances very much. It was nice to see Tiffany in the part of Erma and have a brief word afterwards - we did two plays together a few years' ago ("Run For Your Wife" and "Allo Allo") but I hadn't seen her to speak to since (she's stuck to performing in the musicals). Though she did say she enjoyed "The Hollow" that I did back in March.
Actually a number of the performers would be great in the plays - just a shame they want to stick to the singing, leaving us floundering sometimes for suitable casts.
Other bit of news. The Autumn play has finally been decided - and it's the dismal comedy "Business Affairs". Which I went to a reading of some time back and loathed. So it looks like I have the Autumn off - a bit of a shame as I've been in every single one of the last seven plays the group has done and I'll miss the group if not the play. However, perhaps the audience needs a rest from me!
"Sextet" is on hold, though I'm hopeful for next year, once Brian is back from his sabbatical.
No news from Cardiff Little Theatre about their next Shakespeare play - though there are rumours of either "King John" or "Measure For Measure". So, Lisa, perhaps you'll have to come along and see me in one of those instead!