May 17, 2008 11:12
Last night, I had a series of crazy dreams. I got a new mattress pad, and it had this weird "new polyurethane" smell to it. So I think that messed up my brain somehow. But there were three dreams I partially remember. The first one involved me flying somewhere. I was to take the elevator down to the bottom floor of the airport, to the helipad. There apparently was a possibility that I would be flying on the space shuttle, and I quickly became very nervous about the situation because there was a 1/100 chance of it crashing. So, I started hopoing that I wouldn't get to go into space.
In the second dream, I was in South Park (the town from the cartoon) and we had just finished gym class. I was going to the locker room, and when I walked in I thought it was the girls' room, because there was a lot of girls standing around in this big shower area. (They all had bathing suits on; I'm not a perv.) I went to the other bathroom, and there were also girls in it. So I asked the South Park kids which one was the guys'. They pointed to the right one, and I said, "Are you sure? There's girls in there." Somehow unrelated, the whole town started to flood. There was a pipe that we thought was clogged, one that I had used earlier to clean my dishes. But I was sure that there wasn't any food particles in the drain. We tested that theory, and it turned out this pipe wasn't clogged. There was more to this dream, but I can't recall it. I remember Cartman swimming towards me and this other guy at some point, but that's it.
The third dream was the most weird and most vivid. I was a member of the Reno Police Department (I must watch too much Comedy Central), and we were returning to our hotel after some function. When we got close, we saw this giant mechanical giraffe head/neck attached to the corner of the hotel, which hadn't been there before. At first, I thought it was somehow related to the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey games. But then the giraffe started breathing fire and shooting laser beams from its head. In order to escape, we drove our car right into the hotel lobby and into an elevator. There was an old lady and her dog in the elevator with us, and they just stared at us. We got to our hotel room, and the giraffe was right outside our window. We tried to sneak around without it seeing us, but we weren't so lucky and it started breathing fire and shooting laser beams at us from its eyes. We ran around the room, trying to hide. I went to the phone to try and call the front desk, because I was going to explain that we were members of the Reno Police Department and ask for permission to start shooting the giraffe. (Had we shot without permission, we might have accidentally hit someone with our bullets.) But, you couldn't just dial "0" to get the operator. It was more complex than that, and I never got through. After more hiding, we realized that the laser beams weren't harmful. We were realizing that the fire wasn't real either, when I woke up. At the most exciting moment. Darn.
So there you go. I'm not sure what they all mean (besides the fact that I should stop watching so much Comedy Central). Perhaps the giraffe is my job, and I'm scared of it at first, but it's really harmless. Or maybe it was just a weird dream about a sweet mechanical giraffe. Who knows. Regardless, I should probably let my new mattress pad air out. My bed is more comfortable, but I'm apparently going crazy.