Jul 07, 2006 16:34
Ethan Uriah Robertson
July 4th, 2006
11:38 am
9 LBS .6 OZ
21 Inches Long
We are both doing great, I went in for the regular scheduled doctors app. except this was with a different OB/GYN because mine was on vacation. She checked me and said that I was 3 cm dialated, 50 percent thinned and my cervix was no longer posterior. But she did comment on that he could come down into the canal more. Anywho she sent me upstairs for an NST because I was 1 week and 3 days over my due date. I had to drink some apple juice to get the little booger going. Once that hit him you couldn't get him to stop LOL So they sent me back downstairs to the doctor which she wanted to check my fluid levels, they came back great said I had 2 really good size pockets in there. Then she asked me if I had ever heard of stripping the membranes and I proceded to tell her what I was told and she said yes. Well she did that and man it hurt like a sun of a gun. OOOUUUCCCHHHH. She asked me that if they could get me into the hosptial tomorrow if I wanted to be induced and I said sure because all she really wanted to do was break my water because of how far along I was and the progress that my body was making. They scheduled me for 8:00 am July 4th.
I got to the hosptial 15 minutes early, They got me all checked in and got the monitors on me and etc. Finally at 8:30 am the doctor came in and checked to see if I had made any more progress and sure enough I had dialated 1 more cm but everything else was the same. She broke my water and instantly I started having contractions. After one hour they only made me dialate 1 more cm so I was 5 cm she said that they would monitor them and if they weren't close together they could give me potocin to make them closer together. At about 10:00 am they decided to give me the potocin. my contractions were 3-4 mins apart after they started that. At about 11:18 am I asked if they would check me and give me more pain medicine (staydoll-spelling?- This didn't help the pain it just made me sleepy until the contractions came) then as she was putting on the glove I told her that I had to push she checked me right away and sure enough I was ready she told me not to push that was hard. Anyways 20 mins later I pushed out a healthy 9 LB Baby Boy. I did ripe a little bit but I am glad that my labor was only 3 hours long and that I only pushed for 20 Minutes. I just thought I would share my birthstory with you all.