(no subject)

Jul 04, 2006 06:29

I just wanted to let everyone know what was going on, I appericate all of your comments, Thank you very much they help alot. I went to the doctor yesterday ( not my OB, but this one was really nice) She told me that I was dialated to 3 cm, 50 % effaced, -1 station and my cervix is no longer posterior. I was excited to hear that news. She sent me to Labor and Delivery to get checked out (NST) the baby passed that with flying colors, then it was back down stairs to see her, she then checked my water levels and said they look great, Did a sweeping of the membranes (word to the wise it does kinda hurt) then told me that tomorrow morning if I didn't go into labor on my own over night then she was going to bring me in to break my water and see if that gets things going and if not then they would start me on low dose of potocin.

I just thought I would update before I went in because I am not sure when I will be updating again. I wish you all luck with your babies and once again thank you for all of your support.!!!!!!!!
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