Yayy thank you! Actually, this year I didn't move. Your card got here to Lawrence last year, and I updated my address with the same address, so... it should come here, where I live.
Isn't it freaky? Robert didn't move.
Robert ain't gonna move either. Not for a long, long time. I love this house.
About the autocontent -- I didn't suggest they just eliminate the feature, just put it under the conscious control of the user. I know there are plenty of members who do find that feature a convenience, it is one of those things like autocorrect on spell checking that some people like and others loathe. I just happen to be one of the "loathe" ones, and I think my typing speed and method have something to do with it.
I can't even match my keyboard letters to what the keys are, so I get really lost, easily lost, if I stop typing and am not positioned on the keyboard. That gets super stressful.
ever thought of writing the words you want in the keywords section on the bottom of your post and then just dragging them down? That's how I cope with the flickr upload system where the file name of the photo becomes the title (uber annoying!) so I just drag it down into description. Easy :D
Hmm. I could try that, just copy, cut and paste them in. If the other trick doesn't work. My suggestion got a thread on the suggestions forum, and someone told me that if I type in a keyword that is all numbers, it'll choke the autocomplete and then it'll stop working permanently -- without shutting down the keywords window. If that's the way to do it then I'll be able to just shut it off! Unless I have to do that every time. lol
I had considered writing them in another file and going copy>paste to get around it, but it'll be a lot easier if they do change the software.
Comments 5
So, I think you card got sent. I know you moved, so I hope it forwards. Another reason I send early.
Isn't it freaky? Robert didn't move.
Robert ain't gonna move either. Not for a long, long time. I love this house.
I can't even match my keyboard letters to what the keys are, so I get really lost, easily lost, if I stop typing and am not positioned on the keyboard. That gets super stressful.
I had considered writing them in another file and going copy>paste to get around it, but it'll be a lot easier if they do change the software.
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