A meme, courtesy of the lovely
manekikoneko. I think the intention is to limit this to movie and/or television franchises, rather than saying "I'm a fan of Aishwarya Rai" or "I'm a fan of bebop" or "I'm a fan of kung fu movies."
a. Post a list of 10 fandoms.
b. Have your friends list guess your favorite character from each one.
c. When guessed, bold the line, include the character name, and write a sentence about why you like that character.
1) Doctor Who (I'll accept two answers for this, since it should be fairly obvious who my overriding fave is. So, name my favorite incarnation and favorite companion) And while it's really the hardest question of these, I think
manekikoneko guessed it right, Romana 2 FTW, companion-wise. It was down to her and Ace, really, and they're both just made of awesome. Romana edges out because the quality of the stories in her tenure was generally better and also she is unique being perhaps the only Time Lord to also travel with the Doctor (discounting Susan, since it's unclear whether all people from Gallifrey are Time Lords or not).
2) Star Trek
math_avenger: Captain Kirk. I don't know if I can do this in a sentence, but I'll try: it's that assuredness, that ironclad understanding of what is right and the fact that, no matter what, he finds a way.
3) Comics Edited to add: So it's been pointed out to me that this is a wide-ranging field, so let's narrow it down. When I say "comics" I mean "superhero comics" because that's how I was raised, so that leaves things like Charlie Brown or xkcd, or non-superhero funnybooks off the table. Who is my favorite super hero? HINT: It's a guy, he has his own title, and I got in a protracted argument as to his awesomeness in
galduric's journal.
Double-hint: It is not Gambit. Gambit sucks. Tell your friends.
4) The Combined Works of Mr. Joss Whedon (this I should probably separate but won't, so I will accept multiple answers)
manekikoneko Wash (Firefly);
math_avenger: Xander (BtVS). Right on both these counts, for much the same reasons, that I'm a sucker for the irreverent , sometimes schlubby, character in whatever situation.
5) Star Wars
math_avenger: Han Solo. Quite right, Mr. Math Avenger, I'm a sucker for rogues.
6) The Lord of the Rings:
lockholm and
math_avenger tie for Bilbo and Gollum. Gollum because I think he's a wonderful parable about the power of addiction and Bilbo because he's sort of hapless and I loves me some hapless.
manekikoneko: Sawyer. See #5.
8) Battlestar Galactica
9) Farscape
10) The Simpsons
There we are. I left out obvious ones like House or the Kill Bill movies, as that would be fairly easy. I apologize for the broad nature of stating "comics" for 3, but most comic books, particularly those published by DC, have an eponymous character and very little in the way of a consistent supporting cast. It's hard to say your favorite Wonder Woman character is Etta Candy, for instance. I suppose there are the X-Men, or the Justice League, which are team books, but I didn't quite think this through as I was typing. For a hint, I wil accept wither my favorite X-Man or my favorite eponymous hero.
I'll write up some descriptive sentences later; right now I've gotta go to work, I've slept in and checked LJ way too much this morning/afternoon.