Mar 01, 2005 16:16
As I so often do... I've been cought up in life and neglected to write. It's not that I forget to write, It's more like I don't want to take the time away from my experiences to jott them down... It seems lately, that once in a while something will strike me or catch my mood in the right condition, and inspire me to express myself, once again, for the world to read. Well maybe not the world, but whoever does actually read my posts. ^_^
It so happens, this time, that my inspiration came from one of moonarcher's recent posts. I was going to comment but, as usual, the comment was getting too long, so I transfered it to a new post ^_^
here it is...
I have been in a couple of situations where I thought I had found the only thing I needed to live, and I can honestly say that from my own point of view, at the time, I was happy. If anyone had come to me and said things were going to end up the way they did, I probably would have been pissed at them for even thinking something like that. But when I woke up, I realized that, ironically, the thing I thought I needed to survive, was indeed the only thing keeping me from living a perfectly enjoyable life.
I have mixed feelings on the topic of relationships. This may be my least popular opinion, among my friends, but it's the way I feel. I believe in love! Generally when I use that word, people stop listening, but at least on here you can skip the parts you don't want to hear, and maybe still understand a peice of me.
What I don't believe, is that there is one true love for everyone. Love is not a miracle. Anyone I know has the ability to fall head over heels in love. It happens all the time. The true miracle, and the chance worth trying for, is to find someone you can love and not let it ruin your life. You shouldn't be expected to drop all (or any, for that matter) of your old friends and/or habbits! To me, a relationship should expand who you already are. it should add to your own life and perhaps show you some things that you hadn't been exposed to before. But if it does more harm than good... then it is important to remember the priorties in your own life and make the changes neccesary to maintain your own ideals and personal code. That's not to say that some compromise is not in order... but compromise only goes so far before it starts to change the moral integrity of the person making all of the sacrifices...
In short, I suppose, just don't let love blind you. It really sucks when he or she is gone and your life has fallen apart due to neglect ^_~