Dream, dream, dream

Jan 12, 2003 11:39

I had a decidedly Film Noir dream this morning.

It started out with me in an audience watching some sort of ordination ceremony. Suddenly, I'm in the sacristy, and the ordination candidates (one of them a woman) are there also, waiting to be called out "on stage" one by one. I go behind a door which is either a closet door or a door giving off to an alley. Cue the psycho music and a close-up of the door. One is left to wonder if I've been killed, or if I've killed someone.

Now i'm out in the alley, watching a suspicious character. I've just witnessed him killing someone. Probably with a big-ass pipe wrench since this image superimposed itself on the door in the last scene. The man is dragging the body off as i'm peering around the corner of a brick building, avoiding the darting glances all around that the murderer is making. Now some innocent jerk is coming toward me in the alley, approaching the opening where Mr. Murderer will be able to see him. I try to signal him to stop, but he just blunders on into full view of the murderer. I don't stick around, but high-tail it out of there.

I'm outide of a seedy, redneck palace mobile home, with the requisite several cars in the driveway/lawn. Mr. Murderer is there with the innocent jerk, who he seems to have taken under his tutelage. They are both out to find me. I've been skulking around the trailer, peering around corners to watch them, until they head my direction. I panic, and slither underneath one of the cars. It's dark, so I shouldn't be seen. Mr. Murderer comes and stands by the car for a minute. I get the distinct impression he knows I'm there, but he walks away. Next thing I know, I'm waking up, and it's light out. I hear Mr. Murderer telling Jerkboy to go find me. I know that I'm dead meat, since there's no way he can miss me in the daylight. Somehow, Jerkboy doesn't find me, and goes into the trailer to tell Mr. Murderer. MM tells Jerkboy to call the police. Jerkboy dials the police on a cellphone, and suddenly, I'm inside the trailer. MM takes the cellphone and kills the call. Now he tosses the phone at me and tells ME to call the police and report Jerkboy. I'm being tested to join this den of thieves!

This is about when my bladder woke me up, upsetting the natural flow of the dream.


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