Sep 10, 2009 19:23
Today we went to Home Depot and Walmart. As in other parts of the country, Homo Depot is chock full of bearish types. The added bonus here in Central Florida are the hot latino cubs! It was all I could do not to stare and drool.
Walmart is as walmart is the world over: full of white trash. Lots of hot bearish bubbas, with their scraggle-toothed trailer trash wives. Lots of old people. The handicapped spots were full. I went around an aisle twice waiting for a lady to back out of her spot. She took forever to unload her cart, then she just sat in the car with the windows down. The car wasn't even cranked. I waited about 5 minutes, then drove around and found an empty handicapped spot. The lady was still sitting in the unstarted car 10 minutes later when one of those electric scooter shopping carts was available for mom. You'd think that a Walmart in a retirement area would have more than 4 electric carts, wouldn't you?
I like driving Mom's PT Cruiser, but the turn radius on the thing is awful!
(Am I a bad person for wanting to get it when she dies?)