I don't think I posted yesterday, that's a first for the past week or so. In any case, I'm feeling ok. Not sure what's going to happen still... Rebecca has said she's realized some things but I'm not sure... All that matters is that I at least feel pretty good right now. I have to go back to not saying stuff, because I don't keep this private, so if I seem vague, I apoligize. In any case, at work, working on some imagery, bored as usual, having fun with Photoshop CS2 I guess. I'm really pretty ok so I guess all I have to say is I can't wait to see people, and I can't wait to get home so I can play my videogame, and I can't wait to find out what's going to happen with my life. But in any case, Gym Class Heroes and the Postal Service are the best bands ever... Here is my first revamp, hope you enjoy.
They look even more beautiful in color.