TM: Prompt #198

Sep 29, 2007 17:10

Exceptionally wise? Who can claim that title, I ask you.

When I was a boy, I found Oscar and his cohorts amazingly wise, terribly witty, and I followed them about as any starry-eyed child would. As I grow older, I cannot say I believe any of them had been particularly wise. This might be why I never go to any of them for advice.

Wisdom. A tricky trait. Everyone I ever thought to be wise has proven to me how false that façade was. It's been a horrid disappointment to me. I continue to wonder who they had seen as wise, and if those men had been as equally unwise in retrospect.

Now, as my years advance, the younger men come to me. They ask me my advice. They look at me as I remember myself looking at others. I am careful with my words, quiet and unassuming. I do not want to be wise. I do not feel wise.

I wonder, had any of the men I'd gone to -- Oscar, O.B., Edmund -- thought themselves particularly wise? They gave them impression they thought so, but I begin to wonder.

If I had to choose someone, anyone, I believed was wise... I suppose it would have to be Eliza Ross. My mother was quiet, protective, and made no decision without forethought and understanding of all consequences.

That, in my opinion, is wisdom, and only one person can I claim to have known possessed it.

Muse: Robbie Ross
Fandom: Real Person
Word Count: 245

theatrical muse

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