TM: Prompt #191

Aug 16, 2007 07:03

The question is worded in a way that seems absolute.

Where do I see myself in twenty years?

I prefer, where do I hope to see myself in twenty years?

I hope to be an old man, living in a cottage without fear of persecution by a man I once called friend. I'd like to not look over my shoulder or quarrel with my lover over who was lurking in the shadows when we came home. In twenty years, I would hope the world had change sufficiently enough that I could live quietly, respectably, surrounded by art and words and flowers.

Hope is a brilliant thing. It keeps everything alive, doesn't it? A small word. A simple word. Yet it harbours so much in it. I hope to find enjoyment in twenty years after spending the last thirty odd ones working for something I can't quantify. I've kept myself busy, and so I begin to wonder what an idle life might be.

But that isn't the question you asked me, is it?

No, you asked where do I see myself twenty years from now.

The sad truth is, I see myself dead. An idle life I may crave, but it isn't one I shall ever indulge in. I will drive myself right into the ground, I think, striving for that unquantifiable thing.

That is where I see myself in twenty years.

Muse: Robbie Ross
Fandom: Real Person
Word Count: 231

theatrical muse

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