So the moving to the fifth floor sucked today, but at least I got to leave an hour early. Yay? And I didn't die on the way home! Definite yay!
Thanks to this crazy Burn Notice/H50 crossover that
rike_tikki_tavi's been encouraging and the fabulous Mary Sue Promptfest and Gus' amazing prompt, I wrote outside my comfort zone: 1,402 words of
Madeline Westen helping Michael out of a sticky situation. Feel free to beat me about the head if I got the characterization wrong. I have never written anything exclusively in that fandom and I am terrified that I even wrote it.
Also, my most favorite picture of Jason Momoa ever:
So cute! Hewlett is his blankie. :D
Addendum: more things that I have written! The H50 RPF edition.
the one where Grace makes Scott and Alex kiss for her birthdayfor
the one where Alex examines the scientific nature of Scott's hair whammy