Watched Predators and loved it madly. Walton Goggins and Topher Grace are always fun to watch, and Adrien Brody continues to be oddly attractive and sexy to me, even when he tries to act like there is a more cerebral aspect to this movie that required his Academy Award-winning acting skillzzzzz. Whatever, Adrien, just continue to be ridiculously hot and run around with scuffed boots more often, and I will totally pretend that this shit is Shakespearean in its content, okay?
Also, I am totally in love with Louis Ozawa Changchien now.
Seriously, you guys, he wore a suit in the movie, okay? Handsome men in suits are my Kryptonite. I only wish he had more lines. Also, guys who wear pink scarves totally deserve my tits love.
In conclusion: I finally bought the original The Wicker Man on DVD and fully expect to never sleep again. I r smrt!