I just woke up, and I definitely need to record this.
I was a guy. I think I was blonde, short hair--cropped above the ears. Katy was there, she was more or less herself. There was another guy with us, and another guy who was not with us but whom I later saw. And then there was a villain of sorts and some monsters I can't quite identify.
Because it's long. OTL )
Comments 2
You should make a movie out of this. 8D!! IT'D BE SO EXCITING!
not to be insensitive or anything. Dreams get really scary. I had a nightmare a week ago where my dad died and I escorted him around the afterlife and. . . ugh, not good. ;_;
Noes, no worries. It bothered me enough at the time to get up and stay awake, but it was cool and I did kind of present it in more of a "HECK YES" kind of way. x3;; I don't mind.
Ah... that does sound bad. .D. Boo to scary dreams. >:
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