Lol, Nightmare?

Jan 30, 2011 09:20

I just woke up, and I definitely need to record this.

I was a guy. I think I was blonde, short hair--cropped above the ears. Katy was there, she was more or less herself. There was another guy with us, and another guy who was not with us but whom I later saw. And then there was a villain of sorts and some monsters I can't quite identify.

There was something going on wherein Katy and I were running. Our friend stood by, unsure of what was going on. I was mad, crazy and furious, and terrified of whatever we were running from. I had the innate sense that I had known this fear before, and it was something I wished never to know again. Katy was as oblivious as our other friend--but I gripped her arm as I ran, and so dragged her with me.

We dove into some sort of cart. It looked like a race cart. It had two seats, and the cart itself looked crude and sat very low to the ground. Although I insisted she stay, Katy got out of the cart. I looked back to call after her, but what was after us was already upon us.


It showed me from Katy's eyes first.

She seemed to understand a little more now. She was in a room, the door was open a crack. She knew she was not the target of this--that I was--but she was as much a victim as I now. She slipped into the hallway to look for an escape. She found one end blocked by something that did not actually appear real. It looked like an illusion of a rock fall. She could see through the rubble to the other side. But she had enough sense about her not to try and cross it.

She turned the other way, and saw the ghost of a figure come around the bend. It did not seem to notice her. It was wearing a dark cloak, which shadowed most of its body. She decided to move before it could do anything about her having moved, and slipped into the room across the hall from the one in which she awoke.

There are things here, and things before anything inside this hellish place, that I don't remember clearly enough to record.


It showed me what the stranger saw next, but in third person whereas with Katy I had seen things in first person.

He had been there before us, albeit likely not for long. He was a will user, like in the game Fable. He was older than us, late twenties or early thirties. He was running around what looked like rooftop corridors. There were openings, he could see natural light above, but the walls rose above this so it would not be so easy as diving off the edge to freedom.

In one of these halls, he passed a man. The man caught sight of him immediately, and ordered all hands to give chase. As I saw this, all these shadow-like demons chasing him, I also saw the master of the house--our captor--materialize beside the shadow summoner. In a panic, I screamed at the stranger "You're a Will User! I cannot help you from here--defend yourself!" He seemed to hear me. He did just that, attacked the shadows with magic.

When he cut them, somewhat human-shaped shadows, they would split where he cut and become formless shadows, and then re-materialize as they had been as though he had not cut them. In spite of Will, he had no control over a form of light, rendering his Will abilities useless. There were too many to fight them, and the paths too narrow to run from them, and before long he was subdued.

I noticed then that the master of the house had noticed me. When I could see him and the shadow summoner again, he was looking right at me. (Let's clarify--I wasn't there in the flesh. However I could see, he could see me, too.)


It returned to me from there, and my ability to see things I could not see became more clear as it did.

That villain gestured out of a window. We were high above the ground, and there were fireworks lighting a sky that was not yet in the black of night. He showed me a bottle--a full-sized bottle of ale--and then disappeared. I searched for him with that mind's eye, and found him with Katy. He pulled out of a small trap door two knit pieces, one yellow and one violet, and what might have been a hair brush, and offered them to her. They were childhood memories. her cheer told me. She distrusted the man, as she should, but she was eager to have them.

He placed an arm around her shoulders, and looked smugly back at my mind's eye. He told me to find ten bottles before the year's end, or some ill would befall her. I'm not sure if it really was New Year's Eve, or if it was an empty threat--but I had hours, and in games as this dream seemed to be, hours would pass in only minutes. When I returned to where I stood, desperate for her, desperate to salvage her from that villain's clutches, it had already grown significantly darker.

I was lucky. When I set to looking for bottles, I had help from our friend--the one who had not run with us when this evil first came upon us. We searched together. We stacked crates to get higher and examine every little nook. The bottles varied some in size, but they were a girl's doll's bottles. All ten of them together would fit in the palm of my hand.

As we uncovered more and more of them, it occurred to me that our friend wasn't being thorough enough and I doubled-back through the areas he had looked. Sure enough, I found two he had overlooked. One of them did not have a label. I was not sure if I needed the label, but I assumed I did and searched for it, too. About when I found the label of the ninth bottle, our friend said he had found the last one. Although our time had not ended, although for his lack of care with regards to the two that he had overlooked suggested to me that he might not really have found what we were looking for, the villain had heard him and came to inspect our findings.

As I had thought, he overlooked the bottles almost entirely, and collected the label but not the bottle of the ninth piece. They might have been runes or spell tags rather than drink labels--I don't know, I could not read them. Thankfully, he seemed satisfied that we had found them all, and I could hear fire works and mirth outside.

For our efforts, the villain handed me what at a glance, looked like a flower-shaped bowl--petals rising up to form the edges. At a closer glance, it was a sun. The walls were rays. It was a coppery color, and it had a face in the center. Although the face was right-side up, I felt I was holding it upside-down. As I examined it, the villain asked me if I could see it--he told me it was changing shape. I looked to him quickly, and edged away from him, before turning my attention back to the dish.

It was changing. It did not see change taking place, but it had changed, and I could feel it continue to change. The dish seemed to buckle around the edge. There were gaps between some of the rays at the top left, and the sun seemed to have shifted all the way up against the rays on the right, leaving a dark gap between the left rays and the sun. Not a hole, just darkness.

It was as I looked on at the strange relic that I awoke.


Will User definitely relates to Fable as my brother handed me his copy of Fable III to play a couple hours before I went to bed. I haven't played it, but it's still there, on my desk. The strange sun was reference to Amnesia: The Dark Descent more than the real meaning of the sun.

The abilities were as follows:

I could see things distant from myself with my mind's eye. I could communicate telepathically with people I saw about as well as were I with them. The communication would be interrupted by how far from them my mind's eye was, and whether or not there was noise around us. Those who did not share this ability could not initiate contact with me, could not hear my telepathy if it was not directed to them, could not telepathically reply. I could hear them speak, but it would give away their position if they're trying to be sneaky. At a higher level, it would be more difficult for others sharing this ability to see and hear my mind's eye. (This might also be how I saw through Katy's eyes, but I think it was understood more that, for that time, I was her and could see exactly what she could see.)

Katy had foresight. She could see danger before it would come to pass. At a higher level, she would be able to identify not only the danger, but the trigger as well. She might have also had a more positive counterpart--an ability to find obscure switches/levers/buttons--but the thought was not explored.

The man I understood to be a Will user really could cast. He seemed to know that he could, but it was as though his ability had been drained. The magic he tried to summon would not come, and it confused and frustrated him. Had I not spoken to him, had he not tried to fight back against the shadows and simply continued to flee, it would have been longer before the shadows had caught him. I have no doubt, though, that the shadows would have caught him, and I think the attempt was enough to restore some of his ability.

Our friend, unfortunately, did not get much attention. He seemed very flexible while we were searching for the bottles. He had much ease of motion, and little mind for heights as he hung from a chandelier to grab the last bottle. I'm not sure if this was relative to an ability, or simply a quality of the character.

That dream was unsettling at best, terrifying at worst, and the second one in twelve hours to feel as such. o_o The detail and character definition, however, were fantastic.

sweet dreams

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