Smack Down

Oct 08, 2006 00:03

Location: N'ka and Sevath's Weyr
Time: Evening on Day 15, Month 7, Turn 2
Players: N'ka and Roa
Scene: Roa gives N'ka some reassurances, as well as a piece of her mind.

It's only a few minutes after Tialith gets Sevath's approval for a visit that the queen is winging to the brownrider's ledge and landing there. She crouches down, allowing her slight rider to scramble to the stone and make her way into the inner weyr. "N'ka?" Roa is calm, her motions easy. But swift.

N'ka has been warned and is, therefore, prepared for the queenrider's entrance. He stands casually by a chair, one arm draped upon it, and bobs his head at her entrance. "Weyrwoman," he addresses her formally. "

Said weyrwoman moves over towards N'ka, stopping perhaps five feet away to regard the rider. "How are you?" she asks, head tipping a little to the side.

N'ka arches an eyebrow, regarding her right back. "I'm doing fine, thank you." He frowns slightly, and motions towards the chair. "Would you like a seat? I think I know why you're here. Rather, I do know."

"I'll sit if you will," Roa offers. "I suppose you might know why I've come. K'rom tells me he's spoken with you about...certain matters. And you voiced some concern. So." Her fingers clasp lightly in front of her, "I'm here to answer any questions you have and help alleviate that concern as much as I can."

N'ka bobs his head, swings around the table, and takes a seat in a chair across from his original one. "You're right. K'rom did speak to me about the situation. He said that you hoped I would speak out on the matter, as he has agreed too. And you're right on the second point, I do have concerns. He's dangerous. I'm not about to put myself in the line of fire unless I know there's a secure... case."

"There is a secure case," Roa confirms. As the brownrider sits, so does she, those clasped hands settled in her lap. "And it likely could have come to the surface earlier if you'd been willing to share your interactions with him." The 'him' in question remains unspoken. "He is dangerous because you...I...all of us...have allowed him to be. No more."

"What, exactly, did you think I should have done about him?” N'ka rests his hands in his lap, leaning back in his chair with a facade of relaxation. "Who was I supposed to run to? J'cor? I wasn't exactly privy to his thoughts. I was being blackmailed, and wasn't going to let K'rom, nor my sister, suffer for it." He shakes his head. "And if you think I had anything to do with, or knew about, the other crimes he's suspected of committing, you're wrong."

Tialith says, "Ah," one of Roa's hands is lifted, fingers curled save for the one pointing to the sky, "but you were aware he was suspected of them. J'cor is the weyrleader. If you were being threatened, you should have gone to him. It's his duty to keep the riders of this Weyr safe, but he cannot do it without information. Your silence risked your loved ones more than your words could have.""

"Ah," one of Roa's hands is lifted, fingers curled save for the one pointing to the sky, "but you were aware he was suspected of them. J'cor is the weyrleader. If you were being threatened, you should have gone to him. It's his duty to keep the riders of this Weyr safe, but he cannot do it without information. Your silence risked your loved ones more than your words could have."

"No," N'ka explains, "I did not. I knew he'd asked K'rom for a favor, but not what it was. I knew that he, for whatever reason, wanted me to talk Miniyal into disassociating with G'thon. Why on Pern would I suspect a fellow dragonrider of murder? Or the attack on dragon eggs?" He shakes his head, shifting his position more forward in his seat. "Do I know now that he's involved? Sure. But then? No. And why would I trust an outsider?"

A slow breath is drawn in and exhales before the little weyrwoman speaks again. Her eyes are a bit brighter, glinting. Her shoulders sit more square. "N'ka," Roa begins slowly. The name is spoken clearly and firmly. A demand. "You knew he was threatening you. Is that appropriate behavior for a rider? Is that excusable behavior? And you would trust an outsider because he is *not* an outsider. He is the Weyrleader of High Reaches and wherever he came from, his fate is tied with ours now." Ours. "Point of origin should have nothing to do with it. Shells, what did you think? That Igen planned to smuggle itself in here and take over the Weyr? Weyrs are autonomous."

"Then why are they-" He catches himself, pauses, and continues with, "He here." N'ka drums his fingers on the table, sitting forward now. "It's just a big coincidence that he, and Yevide happened to be here for her flight? Or him to catch her? I don't buy it." He shakes his head, and holds up one hand, "But that's not what we're discussing. We're discussing a certain bronzerider that we both agree has committed crimes against the Weyr, and weyrfolk, that are inexcusable. So let's talk about him. Who else is going to give up their information?"

"No," Roa says crisply. "It was not. They...she...planned much of this. But she didn't do it out of fealty to Igen. I cannot say what they did was right, but our system allowed it. They were in power, J'cor remains Weyrleader. And if he wished the opportunity to guide a Weyr, I believe he wished it for himself and not for Igen. And, regardless, if we allowed them to become our leaders, be it through honesty or deceit, we now owe him our loyalty. But. Onward. I will be speaking. As will K'rom, Aida, D'ven, T'zen, and Tavaly." A small pause, head canting to the side. "Likely others as well. Will you be among them, N'ka?"

N'ka fidgets, regarding Roa with a cool, mask-like expression. He once more retreats his hands, threading his fingers together and resting them upon his knee. "If you feel that I have anything to offer, then yes, I will speak. But all I can say is that he has... subtly threatened me, and my sister, and used those threads to blackmail me. Whether others will see it that way..." he shrugs. "He can be very manipulative."

"I suspect," Roa offers gently, "that his manipulations are at an end. I do wish you'd told me more of this that night you called me here. We have, all of us, held pieces of the puzzle that we hoarded close to ourselves. If there had been some sort of communication....some trust..." she exhales sharply, looking down and away, "this could have ended sooner."

N'ka shakes his head. "At that point in time, I trusted two beings: K'rom, and Sevath." He looks hard at the goldrider across from him, serious. "I didn't even trust you. How would I know you weren't working for him? But it's over now and I'm glad for it." A pause, and he bows his head slightly, a sigh, and then he regards Roa once more. "For him, and for Nevara, I'll help you. I'll say whatever you want me to say, and I'll do whatever else you ask if it'll get him out of the Weyr."

Roa nods once. "Well, I'm glad you trust me now. And I ask, N'ka, that should such circumstances ever arise again, that you please *please* use that trust and contact me immediately."

"I will," N'ka assures her, nodding his head once. "But, I hope that nothing will arise." He frowns, and asks, "Do you think anything would? Some retaliation? K'rom mentioned guards, but I will tell you now that I won't have them shadowing me."

"You'll have one." Again, that firm voice. Quiet, calm, steady. "His name is Tannum and he's very adept at keeping out of the way. He'll be with you when you're on the ground and away from Sevath. This is not negotiable." A brief pause before Roa adds, "He was on my detail for a time. He's a good man."

N'ka shifts, uncomfortably. "Why? Won't that be more conspicuous than just acting.. normal?" His fight is half hearted, and he bows his head again. "Fine." He glances up towards Roa. "When is this happening? I suppose you'll summon me through Sevath?"

"Soon," is the only answer forthcoming. "He didn't work alone. Tannum can keep himself unnoticed and, quite frankly, I'd prefer conspicuous to endangered. We don't know how many were with him and if any will take drastic action. When we have him, you'll know. After that, the rest will be announced publicly." Roa blinks once, slowly. "Do you have any other questions?"

N'ka shakes his head in answer. "No. I have no questions. I'm sure the rest will sort itself out. Contact Sevath if there's anything else you need me to do." He grinds his teeth once, shifts in his seat, and finally stands. "Be careful yourself, Roa. I know K'rom would blame himself if anything happened to you."

The weyrwoman pushes up from her seat, hands moving to fall by her side. "I'll be in touch, soon. Trouble comes in many guises, but it will always come. Do not, please, be so determined next time to weather it out by yourself. There is no strength in isolation, and the Reaches is in some desperate need of strength."

"I believe I've learned that the hard way," N'ka notes. There's a small twist to his lips as he attentions a weak smile. He rounds the table, and motions towards the ledge, clearly with the intention of walking her out.

It is only now, at those words, that the calm breaks to allow a tiny smile through. "Is there any other way to learn?" Roa muses, falling into step and allowing the brownrider the courtesy of seeing her to the ledge.

N'ka just grins, and escorts her to the waiting Tialith.


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