It's been a long time since I've posted, but the summer has been pretty good.
anti-wank has been watching seasons 1 and 2 of Friday Night Lights.
That show is so good, even if season 2 got a bit unrealistic.
I am so glad that I like all the characters.
I was happy to see that my postcard arrived in Vancouver and
made the wall.
I've enjoyed reading the recaps of the cons and I am really looking forward to the fourth season. \0/
I wrote a letter to send to Kripke.
Dear Mr. Kripke,
Hello. I write to express my concern with the recent direction of the show in terms of its consideration of women. I can’t comment on the third season’s newly introduced characters, but I feel like Sam and especially Dean have acted out of character of late and without a plausible reason. (I do realize that you writers guide the continuing evolution of the characters, so you determine what is canon.)
Sam and Dean had their rough edges in seasons 1 and 2, but they did not express these rough edges in language at the expense of others. In this way, I don’t feel that the season 3 brothers are true to whom we have seen Sam and Dean to be. Thursday’s rerun of “The Kids Are Alright” spurred me to write this letter. In one scene, Dean offers to get Ben’s game from bullies for him, but Ben responds, “Only b----es send grownups,... and I’m not a b----.” I cringed to see the young actor using that language, because other words less oppressive to women would have sufficed. Also, if this attitude is another way in which Ben is a mini-Dean, then Dean is repulsive indeed.
I realize that your male-dominated writing staff may have a harder time understanding a female prospective. However, on a show with a predominantly female fan base on a network with a predominantly female viewership, I wish that the Supernatural braintrust was more considerate in your attitude towards women.
I wanted to close by re-iterating how much I’ve enjoyed Supernatural. Two hot boys and a hot car on a road trip. I can’t really ask for much more out of my television viewing. I don’t want to stop watching the show, or have to selectively listen to enjoy the show. Still, I did stop watching Prison Break after the writing become too shoddy and ridiculous, and mind you, Wentworth Miller is formidably pretty.
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.