0 - Worlds

Sep 15, 2015 19:53

At the beginning of it all, they were all gods of their own worlds. They did not communicate amongst themselves, each one of them revolving inside their own spheres with their own habits. The way it was, they would never have known the other existed. Until one day, the world opened up and the sky shook while the ground cracked. It was all too sudden, all too much, that most of them knew not what to do. There seemed to be no way to stop it from happening, and so they all went down the rabbit hole for shelter. There, they suddenly came to realize that the other existed. The shock was multiplied by the way each of them tried to greet (or not to greet) the other. They had similar gestures but no common langauge amongst themselves. Each showed different or similar gestures, but one could not be sure of their intended message. The only thing that was sure was, that they were now stuck with each other and they had to cope. They had to cope with the loss of their innocence, for there they were forced to acknowledge the existence of something that existed outside of their understanding, outside of themselves. Some of them tried hard. Some of them believed in their own rights and chose to ignore. Some of them gave up and sulked in a corner. Some of them attempted to work in groups. Some of them merely stood watch. As all this happened, the world shifted and they fell out of the rabbit hole. Now was a new world, contained within the old one. They moved inwards as their understanding moved outwards. This was their first. At the beginning of it all.


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