To my Yuletide author

Oct 18, 2013 19:28

First off - thank you so much! :D

As far as my requests - I think I covered the fandom details in my AO3 request. In general, I'm a big fan of verisimilitude - getting the setting right, whatever it is, and the voices of the characters. If I had my druthers, I love slash and sex of all kinds and ratings, as long as it's authentic - that is, I'll take well-written vanilla or gen over hardcore slash you're really not into or know much of. :D I love vignettes, gapfillers, getting the bits of details, the moments between the moments we see...

Canon and character are the most important thing to me, however.

You can see my profile on AO3 (Roadstergal) if you are curious about the sorts of themes and rating that normally engage me.
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