Not so interesting thoughts

May 06, 2015 21:37

So Livejournal asked me if I wanted to restore my draft. I was curious what forgotten, earth shattering revelations I had drafted last time I was on here, so I said yes ... and it flipped the screen to ... another blank entry. Apparently, my last partial thoughts on here weren't very interesting. Either that or, if those actually were my most interesting thoughts, it would kind of explain my MIA status on here.

If you want a sign that I'm tired, this is one of the indicators you should watch for - me behind the wheel, waiting patiently at a stop sign for it to turn green. Every now and then I catch myself doing that. Thankfully, the most recent occurance of it was with no one behind me. That situation gets a little embarrassing ... and honky. I think this particular episode was due to the earlier commute that I've been attempting. We've moved buildings and the new location has less prime handicap spots, so I've been trying to get in earlier to steal a closer slot. However, this is ending up as a weird temporal arms race between the gimps of the building ... an arms race which I'm losing. I think I'm throwing in the towel at this point ... my lazy nature (and the possible stop-sign horn-honking) has convinced me that it's not worth the proximity anymore.

So how's life going for all you LJ'ers who are actually still willing to wait around for one of my rare posts? I'm sorry I couldn't actually reward your loyalty with something more interesting, but I've been nudged to post something, so hopefully I can at least provide a bit of entertainment for all you loyal masochists. How am I doing so far?

My roof leak is back. This will be the third company I've brought in to look at it. They're going to replace the whole section, laying down a barrier sheet which will have a lifetime guarantee. It's going to be a little ouchy in the finances, but it needs to be done. The bank won't allow me to refinance before this leak (and the ceiling) gets fixed. It's a bit ironic, since the whole point of refinancing was to save up cash for renovations that I want to do. Houses seem to be a little bit of a money pit, although I guess it's still cheaper in the long run than renting. And really, I like being in a detached house with no housing association I'm beholden to. There's a lot more freedom in this setup.

I've been thinking about getting a dog. I'll need a fence though and I'm kind of concerned about what will happen with the dog during the day since there would be nobody home and we tend to work longer hours. Thoughts? Good idea or no? And what kind of mutt should I get? I don't really like small dogs, but a big one at this point would just knock me over I think ... unless I get an older, more docile one.

thoughts, life

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