Mythical Me with a Mythical Posting

Aug 26, 2013 20:25

So I saw on my LJ Home page this message:

roadsquish, your current position in the Top Journals is: 153,675

That actually doesn't seem very low for what I imagine the size of the userbase is for LJ. However, I can't for the life of me fathom how anyone could rank lower than me .... unless the accounts below me belong to dead people ... or large rocks. That's pretty much the only way those accounts could have less sporadic postings on here than mine.

So it's been awhile. I see I've missed a few things. Took a little bit of reading to catch up, but not too much. I think most of the people that friended me have either dropped me or no longer post themselves. If they no longer post - well, I have no right to say anything about that. And I don't blame them really if they unfriended me. I haven't been a very good LJ friend. I keep saying I'll try to do better, but I think at this point, we both know that you'll just have to accept my friendship for what it is since the "better" part isn't really happening.

So what's been going on in my life? Well, the house designs are still in progress. Structure has pretty much been laid out on paper and we're down to choosing the more detailed stuff. I had 15-20 contractors walking through my house on a Wednesday last month. The architect was getting bids for all the work. I'll be relieved once this renovation is completed.

I've discovered a ground hog has burrowed extensively around my property near my house and it seems, it's not good to have them near the foundation (where they like to dig as it provides more support for their burrows). I'm borrowing a trap from a friend and hopefully, we'll get it off my property. They're apparently hard to trap though as they're wary of such things. I don't want to resort to poison though as my property is unfenced and there are lots of other-people's pets around.

My mother will have her last chemo session this week. The results have been very good so far though, so we're not anticipating any setbacks. I know other families who've had more aggressive/lethal cancer and I'm very thankful that her lymphoma was of a type that responds well to chemo. I'm sure she'll be happy once it's over and she can recover her strength .... and hair.

I'm down to 1 car again. I gave the Camry to my sister to trade in for a new one. She moved to Colorado for a teaching job and has been borrowing the Camry since I wasn't actually using it anyway. In case you're wondering why she didn't just keep the Camry, it's the sports edition and isn't the best in terms of fuel economy. She got $5500 for it which I was pleasantly surprised at. I figured it was going to be more around $3000.

Let's see, what else .... I learned how to make Baklava. It's one of those deserts that makes you look (and feel) like a gourmet chef, but ends up being surprisingly easy. It's just a little time consuming. Very tasty though. I've actually made it twice now (for two dinners I was hosting). Oh, there's this no-processed-ingredient pancake recipe I want to try, although I want to see if it works for waffles instead. It's just two ingredients and neither of them is flour. You take 1 banana and two eggs and mix them (making sure to mash the banana). That's it. I know, sounds wonderfully simple right? We'll see how it turns out.

Nothing earth-shattering in this posting, but I think that's all I have for now.
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