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Feb 05, 2008 16:14

I returned to commuting by bicycle this week as my cough finally feels under control and I thus think my pulmonary system is up to being stressed again. It's amazing how much you can atrophy in just a week. My heart rate is much higher than I want it to be, and my power endurance is down. Top power seems to be where it was, though...either that, or I wasn't applying myself before, as I set a new personal best top speed yesterday. My weight almost immediately went back up, but my body fat percentage went down.

After having coffee make me feel jittery and anxious (rather than the usual feelings of being focused and motivated), I decided to take a break from it. For the most part, going without most of my caffeine hasn't hurt my productivity.

It seems that I have room to petition for a Masters degree, which I'll be doing in fairly short order. My adviser supports the action completely.

Another big change just happened today at work. Sadly, I can't talk about it here.

It's Super Tuesday, which means I'll be glued to MSNBC through most of the night. For the Democrats, I predict that it will go as a 70/30 split on delegates won, but I don't feel comfortable picking a winner. The Republican field is too diverse to make predictions, though I feel safe predicting Ron Paul won't win much of anything, and that makes me happy, because I hate Ron Paul's slimy guts.


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