Aug 03, 2013 09:15
Some thoughts on being a Sysadmin and dealing with rude clients.... Rude clients that are calling YOU for help after they fucked something up and are expecting you to fix it.
The ETA on a fix depends entirely on your attitude :-) Treat me with respect and you'll be up and running as fast as I can possibly get it resolved....Be a jerk, unreasonable, demanding or otherwise talk down to me and your environment will be so constrained you'll think it was connected to the network with a piece of yarn.... Processes on your system will be so backed up that you will end up going home constipated and won't shit for a week. Regardless of what system you try to connect to, all your IP traffic require 19 hops and will route through Guam...TWICE. Your quota will be squeezed so tight you'll think it was a fucking diamond. You wouldn't get enough time on CPU to balance a check book. The next system you get will be so old, nobody under 50 will have ever even seen one. I'll put wait statements in every piece of code you have and so much processing power will be sucked away from your userid that you'll have to pull that ergonomic chair out of your ass..... Don't mess with me, I'm a sysadmin and can place you into any one of the 9 circles of Hell I choose with impunity... Muuuuwhaahaaahaaa!
OK, I've never done that to a user... thought about it, but never done it :-)