only a few days late!

Mar 10, 2004 03:00

Cut to what you want to read.

What's on:

Matt's 21st began with Matt and Jake drunk and Po Na Na and ended successfully with Matt and Jake drunk at Po Na Na. We greeted the occassion properly by shifting our imbecile transmissions into high gear and leaving them there (since, as we all know, it's hard to shift out of high imbecile gear once you're drunk and it's 2 for 1 cocktails night). The cocktails flowed like wine, and after about six Po Na Na sized ones (think about 4 shots of hard liquor each), I wisely moved on to Grolsch... and by 'wisely moved on to Grolsch,' I mean 'Po Na Na had like NO hard liquor left... we drank them dry.... seriously.' Luckily, Grolsch was also 2 for 1, and the pissfest continued thus.

Matt greeted midnight with kisses from Ashly and Clare followed by a shot of good ol' Jameson with The Prawn, Football Dude M whose name I can't spell, and myself. I don't know whether it was the Jameson or the several thousands of drinks he had before it, but at about this time things started to turn sour for Matt.... and even more sour for The Prawn, as she had to carry both of us back to my flat. But Matt got to pee on a council house AND feed the Wensum. And feed the Square the following morning. Bloody good thing, I say; the Square is ugly as shit.

Jake: Why the FUCK is Heineken so big in the States when Grolsch is clearly SO MUCH BETTER?!
M: Dude, who are you arguing with?!
Jake: Bah!
M: The WORLD?!
Jake: Fuck yes!

Matt: I had the strangest dream, I think... did I really puke all over the table at Po Na Na?

In the aftermath of Matt's 21st and in the midst of Matt's near-death experience effected by the fact that Brits can't drive in the snow (or at all, really), there was fChris' arrival from Bremen! A good time was had by all, especially during the fChris pub crawl, which like all the others came to a dead stop at the Belgian Monk. God, that place kicks ass.

I MADE STUFFED SHELLS and many people liked them. Moving along, thursday night took us to the venerable Mischief, where pool was played and drink was consumed... even that vile blue shit that people kept buying because it was cheap. On friday, we went to London. Saw We Will Rock You (again... no cheerleaders this time) and the Lion King. And drank. We made G&Ts and drank them out of Beck's bottles, stole Grolsch pint glasses, and drank Beck's from them. The important thing - the take-home message, if you will - is that we drank.

Random crazy woman to me at Sainsbury: I saw you at the meeting!! Yes!! You're in the cult!!! I think you'd make a great preacher!!!!

--Best Panhandler Ever


I've read both sides of the Maginnes Hall artwork-depicting-Bush-drunkenly-groping-a-whore debate and have come to the conclusion that everyone is full of shit except for me... and Sarah, though her job seems to be to take everyone else's shit, so she's probably close to capacity.

"Lehigh's College Republicans are incensed" (Phila. Inquirer, 10 Feb 04). Awww, boo hoo. My favorite quote:

But the young Republicans are even more agitated by the hanging of [the photos] in Maginnes Hall, where political science, history, and international relations are taught. They want the show moved to what Hoffman characterized as a 'partisan-neutral' location...

Thanks Hoffman - you idiot - but last I checked, NO academic building can or should be characterized as anything OTHER than 'partisan-neutral.' Believe it or not, the fact that polysci is taught in a particular building does not make the building or its inhabitants any more or less republican, so can the 'partisan-neutral' shit, leave everyone alone about the goddamn 'art' and get a real cause.

It looks as though the '04 vote will be:

The "Deserting" Failed Oilman Warmongerer-Type Homophobe
The Political Opportunist Voted For The War But Is Now Against It Because It's Cool To Be Now And Hey Look At My Yacht And Special Interests And By The Way I Too Want To Take Over The World And Nothing Will Change When I Am Elected

Well, whoop-de-do-da-fuck. Look, I'm not exactly bitter about Dean's loss because he was far from a truly viable solution (or, shall I say in Deanian, "AHJFJASHBFGKBAGKBA!!!!!"). But allow me to point out that:

1.) Dean would have been more electable than Kerry will be. Yes, I'm serious. Dean's primary campaign was managed terribly thanks to Joe Trippi, but if you actually read Dean's platform, it's actually rather conservative. He stood out as a liberal because a. he's from Vermont, b. his die-hards were all a bunch of hippies and c. he is against the war. All Dean would have had to do is fire Trippi (done) and bring his act to the mainstream - publicise his more conservative qualities and show off his rather conservative track record in Vermont (have you seen it??!). A few well-done commercials and all would have been grand. Attention spans at this time of the year are extremely short, and if you don't believe me, remember that it wasn't too long ago that everyone was talking about a Dean-Clark ticket. And here's why it would have worked:

2.) Here's who decides the next election: intellectual conservatives. Bush's support from the conservatives in this country is a lot weaker than most people think because he's NOT a true conservative (look at his spending record!) and the thinking old-school conservatives in this country know that. These are the voters that Dean would have had to have courted, and he certainly could have with his past (up until his campaign... good job, Trippi) spending record. His record in Vermont would have been enough to give any conservative a wet dream, and even though many argue that 'it's just Vermont,' remember that we're courting the same voters who voted for a failed businessman four years ago. Bush gets most of his support from neo-cons (who would never vote for Dean anyway, forget them) and from pro-war liberals (i.e. Thomas Friedman... and these people are on the fence). Dean was the best man to court the conservative voters who are frustrated with Bush, and I remain convinced that he would have done better than Kerry will do.

I concede that Bush will probably lose anyway, but let's face it - we really should be able to do better than Kerry.
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