Date: 31 March, 1999
Characters: George Weasley
Location: Cliffs near Shell Cottage
Status: Private
Summary: George lays out the fireworks
Completion: Complete
George made several trips by Apparition to the cliffs near Bill's, carrying crates of the fireworks he and Lee had made, long rolls of fuses, and twine to secure it all. He stood at the edge of the ground, looking down where it dropped away into nothingness, only rocks and sand and the roar of the sea below.
Well, that, and his brother... Bill walked along the sand toward a rather large fire, over which hung a rather large pig. He looked up and waved, and George smiled faintly, waving back. The tents should be delivered soon, but Verity had volunteered to meet the bloke who was lending them, and he'd taken her up on it gratefully.
He knelt and began opening crates, short flicks of his wand transfiguring the boxes into racks, and then filled them with the tubes he'd wrapped in bright paper. Began twisting fuses of various lengths between them, marking the time it would take to fire off in his mind. He wanted to be able to light the first fuse with his wand, then be able to leave at midnight with the rest of the show happening on its own.
"Gonna be a great show, Gred," he said as he worked. "Bet you'll see it, from wherever you are..." He felt tears dampen his cheeks and kept moving, not letting them slow him. "And everyone here? They'll all be thinking about you. And how much they loved you..."
He sat back on his heels, watching the sea for a moment. "It's always gonna be our birthday, even if I'm the only one getting old..." He sighed, then reached for another twist of fuse. "Bet you're laughing your ass off at that, aren't you? Gonna be twenty and..." He looked out over the waves again. "And I'm not." He thought about the vial in his pocket, then went back to cutting fuses.
He'd need it later.