Jan 28, 2004 18:33
Yaaaaaay i just came back from yoga! Woo000t! it snowed while i was in there. There was like a blizzard! lmao. there was like almost 2 inches of snow came down in less than 10 mins! dduuuuuuuuude! just danced aroundit in. I LOVE that sound when you walk in it XD
Anywaaaaaaaay today was a good day! i got loads more work, which wasnt good, but last night i had a cry to my mum and shes gunna help me get organised so thats ok. I like it when people comfort and suport me. helps loads :)
Yes today was good. I fought my grumpyness, lazyness, tiredness, and had fuuun! i DID THINGS!!!! thats unusuall! lmao! And after i played squash I stayed at the lesure centre for an hour afterwards before going to yoga. I stayed in the cafe thing whihc i nice and it looks onto the pool through some glass.... and guess what?! Chris was lifeguarding! *dies* I duno if you remember him? The hot guy im in love with frmo the sports centre/gym? Yeah. Im not acctuall in love with him, but sometimes i feel like that. man i do really like him. I know its stoopid.
I got to stare at him abit and then he left =( was texting vix for ages then looked up and he was there right in the cafee neeeeear me!! *faints* i went all up tight and nervous just being near him! and then he left =(
Owwwww when i see him i just feel... you know... butterflys in stomach, kinda sick and i cant breath after hes gone. ANd i cant stop thinking of him. I really want just SOMEONE... especially if they were like him. He's so small and cute like a hobbit :D hehe
Well, im gunna try and get a job there, ive wanted a job for ages but decided to wait till 16, and i was just get on in some supermarket but thats so boring! so i might get one in the sportscentre life guarding and stuff. and hopefully i'll get to talk to him... i know he will never like me. Im just a kid to him. But talking would be good. I just have to stop myself getting so embarresed. *sigh*