(no subject)

May 05, 2005 21:03

soo today was pretty rad.. with all those crazy bomb/shooting threats and stuff, my mom works at JPD so at first she was thinkin i was lying to stay home from schoool but then when she dropped me off there were a lot of police and stuff.. soo yeah, she totally let me go with her to work, along with anna and erika and katie:) then amy showed up later, pretty rad i must say:) we totally took intense pictures behind the police station, theres somet totally rad scenery back there on this awesomet rail and aaahh it was so fun:D erika, katie, anna, you guys are totally rad:)

my cat got 'fixed':) its great, now she wont be all gross with my dog(eeeh) and she wont do taht annoying loud meowy thingy:) its awesome..

aaand my grandparents are retired and they got this big big big truck, like.. those big ones ya know? hm.. i cant describe it, SEMI TRUCK THATS IT!! yeah one of those, and theyre making the back part, the fifth wheel or wahtever they call it, a home kinda thingy.. its quite awesome.. anyway!! theyre leaving juneau on sunday so tonight we had a dinner party thing at marilee's house, the moshers, yeah.. on back loop, ON the lake.. aahh man its soo prety out there.. awesome dinner tooo.. and then melinda took me out on their little skiff thing, aahh so dang awesome i wanna live out there! i think spenser lives out there tooo, do you spenser? hm.. coool..

i guess i'll let you go with some of these..

Toook it from spenser..

1. Full Name: rikkaela ruby

2. Nicknames: rikki, rikka, rifiki(spelling?), rnr.. and other stuff

3. Birthday: december 15 1989

4. Place of Birth: tucson az

5. Zodiac Sign: sagitarious

6. Male or Female: female

7. Grade: 9

8. School: jdhs

9. Occupation: i dont have one

10. Residence: juneau?

11. Screen Name: rnr42223(same as this)

__Your Appearance___

12. Hair Color: :) right now its this rad purpleish something, its fading though:( oh well, brown

13. Hair Length:the past shoulder..

14. Eye color: hmph.. blueish greyish?

16. Height: 5'4''

17. Braces?: not now

18. Glasses?: no

19. Piercings: yeah

20. Tattoos: no

21. Righty or Lefty: righty

___Your 'Firsts'___

22. First best friend: amanda probably

23. First Award: i dont knoow

24. First Sport You Joined: soccer

25. First pet: hahah i guess i had a dog named fanny.. first pet i remember was spike

26. First Real Vacation: none that i remember.. first that i do remember was in oregon i believe

27. First Concert: christina aguilara:(

28. First Love:

___ Favorites___

29. Movie: i dont really have a favorite movie

30. TV Show: i dont really have a favorite tv show

31. Color: navy blue, gray,

32. Rapper: hm

33. Band: i dont have ONE favorite band

34. Song Right Now: i dont really have a favorite song

35. Friend: I dont knooow, that one

36. Candy: good stuff:)

37. Sport to Play: i dont play sports

38. Restuarant: besides fast food, hanger, twisted fish, canton house..

39. Favorite jeans brand: whatever is comfortable i guess?

40. Store: i dont really have a favorite store

41. School Subject: i dont know, my favorite class is lit because reyes is rad..

42. Animal: kangarooos and wombats

44. Magazine: transworld

45. Shoes: mine


46. Feeling: tired, saad:0\

47. Single or Taken: single

48. Have a crush: sure

49. Eating: nothing

50. Drinking: nothing

51. Typing: this thing

52. Online?: am i online? yeah.. i'm a loser i pretty much always am

53. Listening To: nothing really

55. Wanting To: go skating

56. Watching: nothing.. wow.. i'm usually doing a lot more than this..

57. Wearing: what i always wear(sameish stuff, sweatshirt jeans and tshirt.. ya know)

___Your Future___

58. Want Kids?: sure

59. Want to be Married?: if i find the 'one' yeah

60. Careers in Mind: ones i cant have

62. Car: a good one

__Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___

63. Hair color: i prefer dark hair

64. Hair length: it really doesnt matter

65. Eye color: also doesnt matter, as long as they are cooool to me

66. Measurments: taller than me is what id prefer

67. Cute or Sexy: both

68. Lips or Eyes: eyes i guess

69. Cute or Sexy: didnt you just ask this?

70. Short or tall: taller

71. Easygoing or serious: easygoing, but serious when its necisary.. or however you spell that..

72. Romantic or Spontaneous: both

73. Fatty or Skinny: eeh, spenser is very right:0\ but yeeaah, i'd hope it wuoldnt matter to me

74. Sensitive or Loud: uh.. both?

75. Hook-up or Relationship: relationship

76. Sweet or Caring: both

77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: both

___Have you ever______

78. Kissed a Stranger: no

79. Had Alcohol: no

80. Smoked: no

81. Ran Away From Home: not really

82. Broken a bone: no

83. Got an X-ray: no

84. Been with someone: i guess

85. Broken Someones Heart: no

86. Broke Up With Someone: not really

87. Cried When Someone Died: yeah

88. Cried At School: yes

___Do You Believe In___

89. God: yeah

90. Miracles: not literally

91. Love At First sight: no

92. Ghosts: in a way

93. Aliens: sure

94. Soul Mates: for some peole maybe

95. Heaven: yeah

96. Hell: kinda

97. Angels: yeah

98. Kissing on The First Date: sure

99. Horoscopes: no

You are...(looks)
[ ] tall
[x] in between
[ ] short

[ ] blonde
[ ] redheaded
[x] brunette
[ ] black-haired

[x] blue-eyed
[ ] brown-eyed
[ ] green-eyed
[ ] hazel eyed
[ ] gold eyed
[x] grey eyed
[ ] with glasses
[ ] with contacts

[ ] with braces
[ ] with freckles
[x] with piercings
[ ] with tattoos
[ ] and have long hair
[ ] and have short hair
[x] and have mid-length hair

Your nationality includes...
[ ] chinese
[ ] indian
[ ] taiwanese
[ ] japanese
[ ] hispanic
[ ] nicoya
[ ] puerto rican
[ ] chicana
[x] italian
[x] scottish
[ ] filipino
[x] dutch
[x] french
[x] german
[x] irish
[ ] greek
[ ] portuguese
[x] polish
[ ] korean
[ ] jamacian
[ ] canadian
[ ] lithuanian
[ ] native american
[ ] russian
[ ] british
[x] danish
[ ] african
[ ] scandanavian
[ ] armenian
[x] finnish
[x] other
(i guess a lot of european?)

Your favorite color(s) are?
[x] red
[ ] pink
[ ] yellow
[x] black
[x] green
[x] blue
[ ] white
[x] silver
[ ] purple
[ ] brown
[ ] orange

Some things you've done/played include...
[x] soccer
[ ] cheerleading
[x] dancing
[ ] lacrosse
[ ] field hockey
[ ] hockey
[ ] football
[ ] softball
[ ] wrestling
[x] gymnastics
[x] track/cross country
[x] basketball
[ ] baseball
[ ] golf
[x] playing in the mud
[x] playing music
[x] hiking
[ ] kayaking
[x] camping
[ ] horseback riding
[ ] marching band
[ ] good ole' fashion sex!!!!!

You are sometimes...
[x] annoying
[x] talkative
[x] shy
[x] funny
[x] serious
[ ] bubbly(what is bubbly??)
[x] spazzy
[x] fun-loving
[x] laid back
[ ] strict
[x] hyper
[x] weird

The music you like is?
[ ] rap
[x] rock
[ ] pop
[ ] country
[ ] hip hop
[ ] r&b
[x] slow jams
[x] Christian
[ ] classical
[ ] techno
[ ] oldies
[ ] the 80s
[x] punk
[x] metal
[ ] reggae
[x] Goth(maybe?)
[ ] Latin
[ ] 90's Grunge
[ ] musicals
[ ] Neil Young (haha)

The pets you have are?
[x] cat
[x] dog
[ ] lizard
[ ] rat
[ ] ferret
[ ] rabbit
[ ] fish
[ ] Bird
[ ] other

Clothes you like to wear are?
[x] plain t shirts
[x] sweatshirts
[ ] stockings
[ ] high heels
[ ] boots
[x] sneakers
[x] jeans
[ ] pj pants
[x] boxers(sleeping)
[x] underwear
[ ] dresses
[ ] mini skirts
[ ] long skirts
[ ] watches
[x] necklace
[ ] hoop earrings
[ ] toe socks
[ ] flip flops
[ ] halter tops
[ ] stilletos
[x] band shirts
[ ] shorts
[ ] sleeveless shirts

How do you like to wear your hair?
[x] down
[ ] ponytail
[ ] pigtails
[ ] messy bun
[ ] half ponytail
[ ] scrunched/curly
[ ] bun
[ ] crimped
[ ] with a bandana
[ ] French braids
[ ] lots of little braids
[ ] gel
[ ] hat
[ ] messy hot guy hair
[ ] sex hair
[ ] fauxhawk

You're mostly labeled as?
[ ] goth
[ ] emo
[ ] prep
[ ] punk
[ ] hippie
[ ] nerd
[ ] ditzy
[ ] hyper
[ ] happy
[ ] everything
[ ] I hate labels! I'm just me!!!
[x] I have no idea
[x] I don't even get labeled

You eat?
[ ] dessert every night
[ ] no meat - well no red meat.
[ ] diet stuff
[ ] healthy foods
[x] junk foods
[x] a lot of carbs
[ ] lots of meat
[x] salad
[ ] seafood
[ ] Mountain Dew

A typical friday night...
[ ] mall with your friends
[ ] partying
[x] watching movies
[ ] going to the club
[x] staying home
[ ] babysitting and getting $$
[x] hanging out w/ my friends
[ ] hanging out w/ your boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ] working while your friends are out having fun

Currently you are...
[ ] in a ...relationship
[ ] single and lovin it
[ ] crushing..sorta
[ ] single and ...looking for someone
[x] just broke up... and so sad about it

Online, you use:
[ ] lol
[ ] sup
[ ] =D
[ ] lmao
[ ] stfu
[ ] ty
[ ] j/k
[ ] ttyl
[x] g2g(sometimes)
[ ] ^^
[ ] T_T
[ ] x_x
[ ] ^_^
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