(no subject)

May 02, 2005 16:40

soo uh.. is it 'lets hate rikki season' or something? seriously.. so many frickin people hate me now because other people twist around my frickin words.. i have no idea how the frick this is happening but it is pissing me off so fricking much.. i guess erika is pretty dang mad at me fooor something? or maybe it wasnt me, i dont know.. erika if you're reeaading this. can you talk to me abotu what anne might have said cuz i was pretty sad when you wuoldnt even wave or frickin look at me.. and with our 'trio'.. I want so badly for you to be in it, i want you to hang out with us quite badly, i love you soo soo so much you're so frickin awesome ewika:) i dont understand why all this is happening in the same frickin week.. i can name at least five peole who hate me now, its very unfun.. and yeah.. if you have a problem with me, talk to ME abotu it dont go spreading crap and makign me look like a bad person.. maybe something i said wasnt interpreted correctly or something.. i dont know.. But its frickin like 7/8th grade again.. I dont wanna go through this:'( so um.. if you're a friend of mine.. and you hear crap abotu me.. will you let me knoow what you're hearing so i can frickin set it straight?? hows that sound?? yeah thanks..

uh.. yeah.. it was funny cuz we were tryin to talk to erika while she was on her bus.. so katie went up and slapped the window and the bus driver freeeaaked out it was so hilarious:)

well i guess thats it.. but seriously.. seeeriously..


i just found my baby book thing and it has papers in it with a bunch of ideas of what my name would be, proving that my name is original:).. here they aare..

Rikkaela---the one they picked
(sorry if ive repeated some)

i guess thats them.. its a combination of my aunts' names..:)
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