"The past is never dead. It's not even past."

Jan 04, 2009 12:13


In the spirit of looking backwards and forwards at the same time, per the new year, I wanted to post a little something about the past year and what I want for the future.

This year has been marked by some pretty big achievements for me. In August, Ravi and I reached our one-year anniversary, marking the longest I have been in an actual relationship (I won't elaborate out of politeness). I have dealt with some serious worry that I would do something to sabotage or derail our relationship, but Ravi has been there for me when I was doubting both myself and us. We had a very rough patch a few months ago that I was never able to bring myself to write about but things have smoothed over and we are both looking ahead with a future together in mind. That makes me feel good.

In November, Obama was elected president. Obviously, this isn't a personal achievement for me (or something you don't already know) but it is such a big deal for me and my generation. After coming of age in an administration that made me seriously consider moving abroad, it was...refreshing, to say the least, to see this country put its foot down and elect Obama. I don't think the next four years are going to be perfect and there are certainly things that I disagree with that Obama supports (the bailouts, Rick Warren), but overall, I am proud of this country, proud to live here and I am excited about our future.

In December, I graduated from college, a four year goal that turned into a five and a half year debacle. On one hand, I'm glad its over, just because I proved to myself that I was able to achieve this. On the other hand, I miss being in school, miss knowing whats ahead (more on that in a few) and so I have applied to take a non-degree graduate level course. I hope someone gets back to me on that SOON, since LSU starts on January 12!

Overall, 2008 was a really good year for me. It definitely marked the healthiest year, mentally, for me, a fact I attribute to the stability of my life. It has been a year of fewer friends, as people moved away or drifted apart, but it has also shown me the endurance of other friendships. Mike came down earlier this year and it was amazing and wonderful to see him and talk to him. Erin is still the first person I call with news of any kind and she is like my sister, without the familial hassles. One of my biggest worries about my impending and uncertain future is the idea of not being in the same city as her, not being able to hang out every Thursday because I am worried about losing that bond. Also, on the friendship front, I joined the Delta and have made some amazing friends because of it, people who are willing to babble about poetry, people who I spent almost a straight week locked in a small office with and never got bored with seeing. Some of us may be going to Chicago in February (if flaky writer sorts can GET IT TOGETHER) and I am beyond excited about that and the prospect of seeing longtime friends, Elis and Adam.

Right now, 2009 is about moving forward. I am, for once, uncertain about my future. The "plan" of going straight into graduate school for literature has been put on the backburners for right now, due to my dismal GPA and I'm currently trying to take a course, work, apply to Liberal Arts programs at LSU and Tulane (to get my GPA up) and look into "other options." The possibility of Ravi having to move because of pharmacy school is almost certain and he's only applying to one school in Louisiana. I'm not sure what will happen then but I do know that I want to do all I can to make sure that we stay together. I have a few ideas about how to go about doing that. Part of me is terrified about what will happen, about not knowing. Another part is excited about the idea of an adventure. I am okay with both of those parts.

As for goals, I don't have any in particular, except for the ones I've been advancing already. I want to move towards obtaining a master's degree. I want to lose weight (always!). I hope to maintain and progress my friendships and see people more often to keep those relationships healthy. I want to stay with the love of my life. I want to become more independent. I want to rid my life of poisonous people and influences, which has mostly been done. I want to travel, see new places, even if those places are close by. I want to take more photos, write more poems, read more books, discover more music and enjoy my life.
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