why not, although this is boring to everyone but me

Dec 17, 2006 11:40

September 2004
I just had someone come and ask me a GLBT related question because she recognized me from all the panels and such I’ve done on campus.

October 2004
I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

November 2004
I can’t quite decide if this weekend was good or bad.

December 2004
Melissa and I finally had some Melissa/Reagan time yesterday.

January 2005
I’m still here in Macomb doing the same old shit I always do.

February 2005
I just took a test I did not study for at all.

March 2005
I’m pretty sure that’s some sort of sign.

April 2005
My astrology matchmaker says I should be looking for a Taurus.

May 2005
In case anyone was lucky enough to miss, I did in fact succeed at getting good and drunk Saturday night.

June 2005
I’m working at Olson right now, and it’s international student orientation, so there are a lot of new international students here who aren’t very good with their English yet.

July 2005

August 2005
I haven’t written much lately, but then again, there hasn’t been much to write.

September 2005
I know it’s only Thursday, but seeing as I only have classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, my week is over.

October 2005
So things are looking better today than they were last Thursday.

November 2005
Note: telling someone (who may in fact have a nervous personality) that they have a nervous personality is seldom a good move.

December 2005
I hold onto relationships hard.

January 2006
Week 2 of my two week vacation.

February 2006
It was a long day.

March 2006
This has been the longest week of my life, and it’s only Wednesday.

April 2006
I have a lot to do this weekend.

May 2006
No posts

June 2006
No posts

July 2006
No posts

August 2006
No posts

September 2006
I’m not really sure why I’m on here.

October 2006
I was in Macomb last weekend, and it was wonderful and horrible.

November 2006
Oh, life.

December 2006
Weird loop because this is the first post for the month.
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