Yarn, yarn, and more yarn

Feb 17, 2008 15:06

I have spent most of today going through my yarn stash, taking pictures, and adding it to my Ravelry page.  There are now 34 different yarns in my official stash.  I actually have even more than that, but some of it really wasn't worth adding.  I'll probably just let my knitting students have it.

At one time, I could keep my entire stash in 1 bag, and I was only going to buy yarn for specific projects, AND I was only going to work on  one project at a time.  It was a good idea while it lasted...

I downloaded my stash to an excel spreadsheet.  I showed my dh how it calculates how many yards you have of each type, and he said, "Does it tell you how many times your yarn will reach from the earth to the moon?"

So maybe I don't need to buy anything for a while.. at least until the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival!  (I need help.)
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