Oct 17, 2011 19:23
The big day is finally here. I swallowed the pill around 12:35. Jeremy had to leave at that point, and since then, the only person with person I have seen is the nurse, whose shift just ended. She opens the door a crack, sees if I need anything, then closes the door quickly. It's enough to make you paranoid, if you didn't know that you were radioactive.
As soon as I could, I got out the laptop and tried to check email and facebook. The WiFi just would not connect. I couldn't get an IP address. Finally I got desperate and turned off my firewall, and then it connected! (then I turned the firewall back on!) I am still having connectivity problems. Especially when I was trying to watch a DVD at the same time as web surfing. I don't know if that had anything to do with it. I do have my cell phone, but I have to wear gloves when I touch anything that I want to keep, so it's tough to use the touch screen.
But I am feeling fine. So far, I don't have any side effects. One of the most common side effects is a change in taste. I already had that right after the thyroid surgery, (it got better) so I hope I don't get it again.
Right now, my job is to drink lot of water, pee a lot, and take 4 showers a day. I also need to eat lemon wedges and suck on Lemonhead candies. I brought tea and cookies to supplement the hospital food, which of course is healthy and bland.
The kids got to have a good day today. Christopher's class had a field trip to the farm, and Samantha earned "mad scientist" at her after school science club. I miss them already. This morning I woke up around 3:30 am and couldn't sleep, so at 4:00 I went downstairs and got on the computer. I came back to bed at 5:30, and Christopher climbed in with us so we had a little family cuddling time. It's going to have to last me for a while.
So far I have listened to a could Beatles albums, watched "Chicago," and started knitting a cotton market bag. The doctor asked why I would bother knitting something I may not be able to keep, and the first thing that popped into my head is the popular knitting saying, "I knit so I don't kill people." ha! Good think I didn't say it, or he may have taken my needles away.
I can't complain. It's quiet. I have access to people through the phone and the internet. I have a stack of DVDs and magazines. Now I just have to bide my time and be a good patient.